.assistedlivingtest.com About Us - Assisted Living Boost!

We’ve Been There,
And We Know What Works

We are Senior Care Industry veterans AND and experienced Internet Technology Professionals.

Our company President is involved hands-on in all aspects of our work for clients, and he has been both:

  • A senior care agency owner for 13 years
  • An internet software engineering manager for 20 years

Who else can make that claim?

Why Assisted Living Boost is the Right Choice

You’ve created a successful residential care facility and now you need to take it to the next level.  You know that online marketing is important, but you don’t know how to get started and besides, you have a business to run.

We can help.  That’s what we do, and we know how to do it:

  • We built a successful senior care company of our own, before selling it in late 2015..
  • We grew it for more than thirteen years though online marketing.
  • The website for that business stillranks in the top three listings on most Google search results pages in its service area.
  • We’ve built websites and conducted successful online marketing, reputation management and search engine optimization campaigns for many successful senior care 

We can do that for your business too.  That’s our promise.

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